On Route 97 about 15 miles north of Klamath Falls, Oregon
This Klamath County Park features small ponds with scattered willow trees just across Highway 97 from Upper Klamath Lake
Restroom, picnicking and boat launch facilities.
Green Heron, Forster's Tern, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Belted Kingfisher, Golden-crowned Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, Nashville Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, and Bullock's Oriole.
From Klamath Falls take Highway 97 north approximately 16 miles. Look for the sign indicating the park turnoff. The park is just east of the Highway. GPS: 121° 48' 42.02" W, 42° 22' 56.34" N.
Discover Klamath
205 Riverside Dr, Suite B
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601
Call: 541-882-1501 or Toll Free: 1-800-445-6728
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