Situated within walking distance of downtown Klamath Falls, Oregon
The trail is bordered by both riparian habitat and an arid hillside (a juniper-sage brushland habitat similar to that of Moore Park which parallels the trail on its west side).
The Link River Trail is about one and a half miles long. The trail parallels the river in a cut canyon that connects Upper Klamath Lake and the Klamath River (Lake Ewauna Trail-site #31).
During the winter look especially for Barrow's Goldeneye and Hooded Merganser along with many other duck species on the quiet waters at either end. In the winter Black Crowned Night-Heron roost in trees in large numbers near the homes at the south end. Winter Wren often make the canyon their winter home also. This is also a wonderful spring birding area for migrants moving through the Klamath Basin.
For more bird information see eBird
Especially during the spring and fall just about any bird that migrates through the Basin could turn up along or in the river including both water and riparian type species. Many birds also use the river corridor morning and evening going to and from Upper Klamath Lake and the basin below
Parking is available in Veterans Park at the south end of downtown Klamath Falls. Walk west across the Main Street Bridge over Link River. Keep to the right side of the road passing in front of the Favell Museum. Immediately after passing the Museum's parking lot turn north and proceed up the gravel road and along the river to the turnstile at the trail entrance. To access the north end of the Trail, take the Highway 97 Oregon Avenue.Off Ramp and proceed west. Oregon Ave. turns into Lakeshore Drive. After crossing the Link River Bridge you can turn left into the Trail's parking space. (Opposite Putnam Point Park) Access from Highway 140 can also be made at the West End of Lakeshore Drive. GPS: 121° 47' 33.65" W, 42° 13' 11.86" N.
825 NE Multnomah
Portland, OR 97232
Discover Klamath
205 Riverside Dr, Suite B
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601
Call: 541-882-1501 or Toll Free: 1-800-445-6728
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