2. Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake National Park Area Map.


On the crest of the Cascade Range at the Northwest corner of the Klamath Basin.


Within the park, habitats include old growth ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, fir, hemlock, spruce and open alpine areas. Crater Lake is one of the deepest and bluest lakes in North America, with spectacular views from the 33-mile Rim Drive around the lake. The Park is also known for its wildflowers; one trail featuring them is the Castle Crest Wildflower Trail. Other suggested birding sites are Annie Creek Canyon Trail and Watchman's Peak Trail.

Distinct Features:

One of the deepest and bluest lakes in North America with spectacular views from the 33 mile Rim Drive around the lake.

Birds to Look For:

A wide range of species due to the diverse habitats including, Blue Grouse, Clark's Nutcracker, Gray Jay, American Dipper, Red Crossbill, Townsend's Solitaire and, with careful searching, birds like Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. Also Northern Goshawk, Flammulated Owl, Vaux’s Swift, White-headed and Pileated Woodpeckers, Nashville and Hermit Warblers, Lazuli Bunting, Green-tailed Towhee, Evening Grosbeak, Black-backed Woodpecker, and Pine Siskin.

For more bird information see eBird.

Other Items of Interest:

The Park is also known for its wildflowers; one trail featuring them is the Castle Crest Wildflower Trail.


From Klamath Falls take Hwy 97 N to Hwy 62, proceed N through Ft. Klamath to Crater Lake. Or, from Interstate 5 take Hwy 62 E from Medford. The North Entrance from Hwy. 138 is only open during the summer. An entrance fee is charged for the Park. GPS: 122° 8' 8.01" W, 42° 53' 46.19" N.

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For more information Contact:

Crater Lake National Park
P.O. Box 7
Crater Lake, OR 97604
541 594-3000

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