3. Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge

Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge Area Map.


Forty five miles North of Klamath Falls and six miles East of Highway 97 on Silver Lake Road.


A large natural marsh with surrounding grass lands and bordered on the East by a ponderosa pine forest.

Distinct Features:

The marsh provides nesting, feeding and resting habitat for waterfowl, the surrounding meadowlands similarly support various shorebirds, while the adjacent pine forests also support diverse wildlife.

Birds to Look For:

Bufflehead, Ruddy, and Ring-necked Ducks, Cinnamon Teal, Bald Eagle (nesting), Rough-legged Hawk, Sandhill Crane (nesting), Sora, Virginia Rail, Black Tern, Yellow Rail (nocturnal), White-headed Woodpecker, Great Gray Owl, Lewis's Woodpecker, Pigmy Nuthatch, Black-headed Grosbeak, Western Tanager, Mountain Bluebird, Mountain Chickadee.

For more bird information see eBird

Other Items of Interest:

In addition to the four-mile crossing of the Marsh by the main road (Silver Lake Road), there are side roads, which allow additional viewing of both the Marsh and the adjacent habitats. Forest Service Road 690, which goes along the west edge of Wocus Bay, provides excellent birding and scenic views.


Approximately 50 miles North of Klamath Falls turn east on Silver Lake Road, then east 7 miles to where the Refuge begins. GPS: 121° 39' 2.23" W, 42° 53' 52.23" N.

For more information Contact:

Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge
Box 303
Chiloquin, OR 97624
541 783-3380

Web info:



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