18. Fourmile Lake

18. Fourmile Lake - Area Map.


Approximately 40 miles from Klamath Falls, Oregon off of Highway 140 near Lake of the Woods.


High elevation mixed conifer forest dominated by mountain hemlock, Douglas fir, white fir and Shasta red fir. Around the lake itself there are extensive stands of lodgepole pine. The lake is at 5744' in elevation.

Distinct Features:

There is a Forest Service campground at the southern end of the lake with a boat ramp. Most of the lake is surrounded by the Sky Lakes Wilderness and is only accessible by foot or boat. The campground is also the trailhead for the Long Lake trail that leads north into the Sky Lakes Wilderness area and the Rye Spur trail that goes south to Lake of the Woods. Detailed trail maps for the Forest and the wilderness area can be obtained at the Forest Service offices listed below.

Birds to Look For:

While traveling along the Fourmile Lake Road, you will travel through various forest types and logged areas. In older forest stands, look and listen for Blue Grouse, Williamson's Sapsucker, Pileated Woodpecker, Olive-sided and Hammond's Flycatchers, Gray Jay, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Townsend's Solitaire, Hermit Thrush, Solitary Vireo, Hermit Warbler, and Evening Grosbeak. In more open stands or clearings, look for Calliope and Rufous Hummingbirds, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Western Wood-Peewee, Dusky Fycatcher, Steller's Jay, Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Bluebird, Warbling Vireo, Orange-crowned and Nashville Warblers, Western Tanager, Green-tailed Towhee, Red Crossbill and more.

In the lodgepole stands around the lake, look and listen for Black-backed Woodpecker, Purple Martin (rare), Clark's Nutcracker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Yellow-rumped and MacGillivray's Warblers, Lazuli Bunting, Lincoln's Sparrow and Cassin's Finch. There may also be some waterbirds on the lake as well.


From Klamath Falls, travel west on Highway 140 toward Lake of the Woods. Turn right (north) onto Fourmile Lake Road (Forest Service Rd. 3661). There is a sign for the lake on the Highway It is about 6 miles to the lake on an improved dirt (cinder) road which is only passable during the summer and early fall. The road ends at the lake. GPS: 122° 14' 49.72" W, 42° 27' 11.66" N.

For more information Contact:

Klamath Ranger District
Fremont-Winema National Forests
2819 Dahlia Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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