Located 6 miles south and west of Klamath Falls, west of State Highway 97. Area is bordered by the Klamath River on the north and west boundaries.
Habitat varies from developed agricultural land to seasonal and permanent wetlands. Of the 2400 acres, approximately 1200 is either seasonal or permanent wetlands.
The Miller Island Unit is a prime staging area in the late winter and early spring for migrating Ross's, Snow, and White-front Geese.
A 2.5 mile pedestrian viewing loop is open all year.
Nesting Sandhill Cranes are common and pairs can be seen doing their mating rituals in the spring. Bald Eagles can be seen foraging on the area during late February and March. A wide variety of waterfowl utilize the area. Populations of up to 35,000 White Geese (Snow and Ross's) can be seen in the late winter and early spring staging for their northern migration. Resident Canada Geese and ducks can be viewed with their broods during the spring and summer. Shorebird viewing can also be good here. Raptors such as Rough-legged Hawk, American Kestrel and Northern Harrier are easily seen during the winter months.
Three of the six known populations of Applegate's Milkvetch (Astragalus applegatii), a federally endangered plant, are present on the area.
From the North: From Klamath Falls, Oregon, drive south on Highway 97 0.8 miles south of milepost 279. Turn west (right) onto Miller Island Road, West, and the wildlife area begins after you cross the railroad tracks.
From the South: Driving north on Highway 97, continue 0.2 miles north of milepost 280. Turn right (west) onto Miller Island Road, West. The wildlife area begins after you cross the railroad tracks.
GPS: 121° 47' 53.25" W, 42° 9' 18.64" N.
Klamath Wildlife Area
1850 Miller Island Road West
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
(541) 883-5734
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